Board games on a train

This article contains images of board games played on a long railroad trip from Stockholm to Lissabon in 2019. A more detailed version (with the same images) is available in Finnish. At the end of this article there is a list of different tables in Finnish trains.

Azul-peliä neljällä pelaajalla.
In Danish trains all the seats were around a table. This table was just big enough for the game Azul.
Hnefatafl-pelissä mustan vuoro hyökätä.
Catan-pelilauta pöydällä kuuden hengen osastossa.
Teaching Catan to a stranger who joined our game
Noppien heittoa Catan-pelissä.
Just enough room for rolling the dice
Carcassonnen peruspeli ja lisäosien laattoja junan pöydällä.
Carcassonne with some expansions (not every expansion we had)
Munchkin-peli tanskalaisen EC-junan pöydällä, levelit merkittynä puutikuilla.
Playing Munchkin with small wooden sticks as level markers
Munchkin lähellä loppua. Levelit merkitty Azul-pelin laatoilla.
Playing Munchkin with Azul tiles as level markers
Saving space by piling cards
Port Royal -yhteistyöpeli junan pöydällä.
Port Royal (with an expansion)
Port Royal ja lisäosa keskikokoisella junan pöydällä.
Port Royal on a German table
Port Royal -yksinpeli.
Playing Port Royal as a single player game (on a French TGV train)
Dale of Merchants -kaksinpeli junassa.
Playing Dale of Merchants with two players in Spain
Dale of Merchants -nelinpeli.
Playing Dale of Merchants with four players in France
Pokerissa rahana Port Royal -pelin kultakolikot.
Playing Poker in Monaco (while travelling from Milano to Marseille) using ”gold coins” from the game Port Royal

Packing tight

Monta peliä sisäkkäin samassa laatikossa.
One bigger box containing four different games: Azul, Hnefatafl, Munchkin and Haaste
Munchkin-laatikon sisällä matka-Haaste ja sen tiimalasi.
The Munchkin’s box containing also the card game Haaste
Catan-peruspeli pakattuna 5-6 pelaajan lisäosan laatikkoon.
The regular Catan game packed inside an expansion’s box
Yhdessä tavallisessa Carcassonne-laatikossa väliseinin eroteltuna kaksi peruspeliä ja useita lisäosia.
Carcassonne with several expansions fitted inside the base game’s box

Tables in Finnish trains

Unfortunately the small table in the last picture is the most common one in Finnish trains and you can’t tell in advance what kind of tables there are on the train.

However, you can be sure to get a better ”gray table” if you book your seat in the compartment for pets. (You can do it even without a pet, it’s perfectly ok.)

The restaurant car’s upper deck has similar (light brown) tables but there is an extra fee for those seats.

Check out #lautapelitjunassa on Instagram (Finnish for ”board games on a train”) for more pictures of finnish train tables with board games on them.